Sustainability Report Assurance

Independent Assurance builds trust and increases transparency. It shows your stakeholders that you care about your organisation's sustainability performance by adding credibility to your reporting.

We offer independent assurance over your data using the ISAE 3000 Assurance Standard, or we can give more principles based assurance following our VeriSustain™ protocol, which is aligned with the ISAE3000 & AA1000AS standards and the GRI standards.

By including the rigour of both data and principles based assurance, we not only give an opinion on whether the sustainability data is reliable, but whether the right issues have been disclosed in the first place. This helps move assurance away from being a tickbox exercise focused entirely on data, to being a more meaningful assessment over whether your sustainability reporting is giving an honest, complete and balanced view.

What makes us different?

Our Sustainability Report Assurance gives you the complete picture.

Summary from the Sustainability Reporting Roundtable

Insight into the latest trends, draft GRI Standards, GHG Scope 2 Dual Reporting Guidelines, Integrated Reporting and getting the most from your assurance and avoiding common pitfalls.