Independent Assurance for Sustainability Linked Loans and RCFs

We provide our clients with independent assurance of their key Sustainability and ESG performance data and performance against targets.

Many organisations are arranging Sustainability Linked Loans or Revolving Credit Facilities (RCF), where the facility’s rate is directly related to the borrower’s ESG or Sustainability performance.

Benefits of Independent Assurance from DNV:

  • We work with leading FTSE 100s and other global organisations, so we know Sustainability and ESG performance data inside out.

  • DNV has a long history of providing independent assurance of Sustainability and ESG performance data across:

        - Climate
    and GHG emissions performance indicators
        - Other Environmental performance indicators
        - Health & Safety performance indicators
        - Social performance indicators
        - People, diversity and inclusion performance indicators
        - Impact performance indicators

  • Our independent assurance adds credibility for external stakeholders (particularly lenders and investors) that your Sustainability and ESG data is complete, balanced and accurate.
  • Findings and observations from our independent review contribute to strengthening your internal reporting and management systems.  Our independent third party opinion gives confidence over the accuracy of the disclosures approved by your Board and supports their governance of Sustainability and ESG issues.
  • We follow internationally recognised assurance standards (e.g. ISAE 3000) and issue an Independent Assurance Statement accepted by leading financial institutions.
  • Our independent assurance can mirror the term of your Sustainability Linked Loan or Revolving Credit Facility and annual reporting of progress against your Sustainability and ESG targets as your performance evolves over the facility’s term.
  • We can independently assure your Sustainability or ESG data whether its for the purposes of a standalone Sustainability Linked Loan or RCF, or linked to your wider corporate sustainability objectives and published online on your website, in your Sustainability Report or Annual Report & Accounts.