ISCC - Sustainable Bio Energy Certification

We provide sustainable biofuels certification according to the ISCC (International Sustainability Carbon Certification) certification scheme.

​Global Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission levels are higher than the globe can handle. In reply to this, the production and demand of biomass and biofuels are increasing. Future energy supplies depend on sustainable production of biofuels; their supply chains are complex and have a range of environmental impacts. Certification is an effective means for proving the sustainability of biofuel and biomass products throughout the supply chain. We hold a global accreditation for the ISCC scheme. 

ISCC focuses on greenhouse gas reduction through the value chain, sustainable land use, protection of natural habitats and social sustainability for the feedstock production. Based on the EU RED Directive, ISCC requires a minimum GHG emissions saving of 35% (rising to 50% in January 2017 and to 60% in January 2018; i.e. for installations in which production starts from 2017 and onwards). Feedstock production (plantations) also needs to comply with 6 principles. 

The ISCC audit will address the following topics:

  • Conservation (Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services) and land with high carbon stock
  • Soil, water & air and the application of Good Agricultural Practices
  • Working conditions
  • Human, labour and land use rights. Responsible community relations.
  • Legality
  • Good management practice
  • Greenhouse gas emissions

Why certify to the ISCC certification system? 

Renewable energy is of global interest, and is significant in the efforts to reduce GHG emissions globally, to reduce and reverse global warming. Regulatory requirements and players in the market increasingly demand that providers prove responsible and sustainable production of biomass and biofuels, throughout the supply chain.

Benefits of sustainable biofuels certification:

  • Assurance to your customers that your products are responsibly produced
  • Market recognition as a leading player in the market for sustainable biofuels
  • Proves compliance to your region’s regulatory requirements
  • Proves compliance with  the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED), thereby granting access to this market for your biomass/biofuels products
  • Certification enables you to communicate credibly to the market regarding the sustainability of your biomass/biofuels products.

Contact us to learn more about these standards and certification systems and how we can support you on your way to certification. 

More information


International Sustainability & Carbon Certification website


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