General Data Protection Regulation Services

Demonstrate your commitment to protecting personal data.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. It covers how organisations handle people’s personal data. If your organisation holds the personal data of EU citizens you’re liable. 

The requirement:

The GDPR covers how organisations collect, store and use ‘personally identifiable information’. It aims to give individuals greater control over how their personal data is collected, held and used, and by who. The regulation revolves around citizens’ consent. In broad terms it asks organisations to:   

  • Lawfully, fairly and transparently process personal data 
  • Collect it for a specific, explicit and legitimate purpose 
  • Only collect the data that’s necessary to that purpose 
  • Take steps to ensure data is accurate and kept up to date 
  • Keep data in such a way that it can be identified and kept for no longer than necessary
  • Use appropriate technical or organisational measures to ensure the data’s security 
  • Be able to demonstrate compliance with the principles of the GDPR

How can we help?

A Gap Analysis Report will give you a high-level assessment of your current compliance to GDPR. Following an onsite visit, you will receive a report to help you identify and prioritise areas that need to be addressed.

A Gap Analysis, will support an organization to:

  • Avoid the significant financial penalties of non-compliance
  • Avoid the significant reputational impact of non-compliance
  • Minimise the cost and disruption of compliance
  • Demonstrate your commitment to data protection to all your stakeholders, reinforcing customer trust and confidence in your organisation 


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