ESG Assurance

Gaining independent assurance of your company’s ESG Performance is vital to securing the trust of your investors and other stakeholders.

Independent ESG Assurance 

Sustainability Report Assurance adds the credibility that what you are saying about your performance has been subject to proper scrutiny. At DNV, we can offer a spectrum of ESG assurance services from those engagements which focus on verification of data, to more sophisticated assignments which enable us to offer more assurance, for example, over how your reporting responds to stakeholder needs, and is integrated with your financial reporting.

Our assurance process 

Our independent process is a robust and credible approach founded on best practice. Guided by materiality, we carry out a rigorous review of data and claims and examine management arrangements, processes and data-collection systems. Where appropriate, we can engage stakeholders in the assurance process, for example by interviewing opinion formers or convening a stakeholder advisory panel.  

DNV performs ESG assurance using the internationally recognised ISAE 3000 Assurance Standard or our proprietary VeriSustain™ protocol. This means that all of our assurance work is conducted consistently across the globe, with detailed procedures and testing protocols offering a rigorous approach to the quality of our work. In our Assurance Statement, and in our direct feedback to you, we offer constructive and insightful opinion. The end result is assurance that achieves its aim: greater trust among investors and other stakeholders. Our clients derive value from our recommendations as they help them focus on key areas of ESG risk and opportunity.

What makes us different? 

Our ESG assurance gives you the complete picture.