DNV x Kantar – Double materiality assessments

Guiding an ESG strategy that is both purpose-driven and consumer-focused.

In partnership with world-leading marketing data and analytics company Kantar, DNV is expanding its materiality service offering, providing bespoke insight that harnesses the power of double materiality and combines it with a unique and potent measurement of consumer priorities using Kantar’s Consumer Insight approach. 

This provides consumer-facing companies with a holistic view of their corporate ESG risks, opportunities, and disruptors across all key stakeholder groups for the first time, enabling decision-makers to understand the current and future landscape and key market trends for each material issue. 

This service enables companies to identify the sweet spots where the action is likely to deliver commercial benefits and those where there is a more complex landscape to manage.

Key benefits

  • Prioritisation of issues, providing both a double-materiality view and a consumer-focused view. Be prepared for updated standards and regulations, such as CSRD
  • Stakeholder and consumer data is also available and segregated, highlighting where stakeholders may be aware of issues that require strategy changes and where consumers may have priorities that could be addressed with targeted actions, communications, or marketing
  • Regular measurement of your activation impact and your competitor’s performance against your sustainability targets and identifying the drivers of positive performance