Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage

We provide support across the entire project or product life cycle for CCUS. We possess a comprehensive understanding across the energy transition and possess considerable experience working with clients across the energy space.

The CCUS focus area delivers techno-economic advisory all along the supply chain.

Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) provides the necessary underpinnings to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors of the economy. DNV serves as a technical advisor to clients wishing to understand, influence and benefit from CCUS market developments and technologies.

Our services include:​

  • Market opportunity assessment
  • Business case development
  • Energy transition advisory
  • Network compliance and innovation
  • End use evolution planning
  • Bespoke technical solutions

Over the years, we have conducted extensive research to guide the strategic decisions of our clients. In the last 10 years we have helped scaled CCUS with more than 200 projects in capturing, transporting, storing and using CCS.