Any crisis situation requires a rapid response, from managing the immediate, to planning and implementing new ways to continue operations. Ensuring robustness during fragile times consists of understanding, managing and mitigating current gaps and risks. Assessing crisis management plans, maintaining certificates and supplier qualifications, secure remote working and competence development requires a pro-active approach. DNV can help understand, identify and adapt actions and solutions needed to ensure effectiveness and productivity, enabling operations tomorrow and in the long-term:
- Continued operations
Remote audit plans and executions ensuring that your certifications or other recognitions do not expire when physical audits are not possible. This includes product certification and management system certification audits to standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22001, ISO 27001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001, ISO 55001 & ISO 22301. - Business continuity preparedness
From insight into what a business continuity management system is to best practices according to the ISO 22301 standard; this builds an understanding of systems and processes put in place to manage situations like the current, and identifies way to improve and build future resilience. - Crisis management implementation
Assessing gaps between plans and actions now helps companies understand if plans work as intended or whether instant or more long-term mitigating measures are required. - Supply chain management
Supplier qualification systems and verifications are essential during a crisis to continue operations while upholding quality and safety, and safeguarding customers and consumers. - Secure remote workforce enablement
Remote working has quickly become the norm for many companies. Ensuring the right level of information and cyber security, combined with a sound security culture, is essential when business is conducted through a remote workforce.
Crisis management plan implementation
A structured crisis management plan enables companies to protect their employees and business.
Business continuity management
Tools and services to support companies mitigate risks under extreme pressure and volatile conditions.
Working from home assessment protocol
With employees working from home becoming the “new normal”, it is essential to know that your employees are doing so in a consistently secure manner.

Supplier qualification during a crisis
The outbreak of COVID-19 is forcing companies to find new ways to qualify, assess and manage suppliers in their value chains.

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