The following options are available to you dependent on your situation.
Management System Consultant - if you have a small team and require support, you can contact a Management System Consultant. They will support you with the set up of the management system. Your Certification Body (CB) does not provide this service. However, DNV can give you access to an independent network of consultants.
Gap Analysis / Pre- assessment - is an audit that will benchmark your processes against ISO 27001 and identify areas of improvement before starting the certification process. This is a service provided by your CB and can support you in understanding your readiness for certification.
Training - people are an important asset in your certification journey. Investing in training to develop their skills should be part of your overall strategy.
Certification schedule - talk to your CB and get a quote. This will provide you with information on costs and audit schedule.
GDPR, the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, became law on the 25th of May 2018.
How can organisations respond? Information from our Lead Auditor, Paul Breslin.