Integrated Management System (IMS) Certification

Integration of Quality (ISO 9001), Environment (ISO 14001) & Safety (ISO 45001) management systems brings together your processes for effective business management

What is an Integrated Management System?

A single system managing multiple aspects of an organisation's operations to meet the requirements of more than one management system. Such a system may range from a combined "core" with additional, but separate elements for each set of audit criteria/standard, through to a single system, with shared system elements, and responsibilities across all audit criteria/standards.

With the introduction of the common framework provided by the ISO High Level Structure (HLS), it has never been easier to integrate standards into one management system. These management standards include, but are not limited to: ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environmental), ISO 45001 (Health & Safety), ISO 50001 (Energy Management), ISO 27001 (Information Security), ISO 22301 (Business Continuity) and ISO 20001 (IT Service Management). 

Why take on this approach?

  • More efficient, effective audits, reducing or avoiding repetition of audit across multiple standards
  • Cost effective audit planning
  • Combined audit reporting across multiple standards, improving possibilities for analysis of trends

Why is IMS Certification important?

Create one, unified system to manage the activities of the organisation and ensure:
  • Alignment of the key aspects of managing the business
  • Quality, environmental, health, safety, security, and other requirements are central to your operations
  • Management system processes are a central feature of how the business operates, rather than something additional

Benefits of an IMS Certification

  • One management system to build, operate, maintain
  • Creates consistency across the organisation
  • Easy to understand
  • Simplifies training
  • Simplifies implementation
  • Simplifies maintenance
  • Savings of time & effort
  • Reduced duplication
  • Simplifies Internal Audits
  • Simplifies External Audits
  • Reduces External Audit fees

Reduce audit duration by up to 20% with an integrated management system. Find out more here and submit a quick quote.